If you have read Fire and Thorn and have reached the Challenge at the end, you are here looking for either the solution or to check your answers.
The challenge is:
Throughout this novel, pieces of Bible events and teachings have been woven into the story. There are at least 23 in 19 different chapters.
1. Ch 1: Saul has slain his thousands, David his ten thousands - I Samuel 18
2. Ch 4: The good kings of Judah who destroyed idols and brought the kingdom back to God - I, II Kings
3. Ch 5 Esau gives up his birthright - Genesis 25
4. Ch 8 Mordecai tells Esther: for such a time as this - Esther 4
5. Ch 13 Prophet Nathan confronts king David - II Samuel
6. Ch 23 The banquet table in heaven - Isaiah and Revelation
7. Ch 27 Crystal Sea - Revelation 4:6, Revelation 15:2
8. Ch 27 The wise men visit baby Jesus - Matthew 2:1-12
9. Ch 28 The Promise land - Numbers 34:1-12
10. Ch 30 the straight and narrow way - Matthew 7:14
11. Ch 30 cypress trees – mentioned 13 times in the Bible
12. Ch 34 fall short - Romans 3:23
13. Ch 34 protective shield - Psalms 18:2
14. Ch 37 the evil one appearing beautiful – Ezekiel 28:12-19
15. Ch 37 People do what seems right in their own eyes. - Judges 17:6
16. Ch 47 The marker was no more than a red stained stick at the opening of the path – Jesus is the way. John 14:6
17. Ch 55 Burning bush, Moses – Exodus 3
18. Ch 55 Water provided for the thirsty wandering Israelites in the desert - Psalm 107:35 AND Exodus 17, Numbers 20
19. Ch 55 The ground completely dry, the cloth wet —Gideon Judges 6:36-40
20. Ch 58 Conversion of Saul, scales fell from his eyes - Acts 9:18
21. Ch 59 Those who didn’t want to be Jesus’ followers at this time: I will follow later, I must bury my father, I have a wife…etc. - Matthew 8, Luke 9
22. Ch 60 Hezekiah asks God for more time II Kings 20
23. Ch 61 Elijah flees for his life in the wilderness and is cared for by an angel. I Kings 19:1-8
24. Ch 62 Israelites roaming in the wilderness for 40 years, never needing new sandals – Deuteronomy 29:5
25. Ch 64, celebration on the other side of the Red Sea. Song and dance led by Miriam, Moses’ sister, Aaron, Moses’ brother, and the priests. Exodus 15:1,2
26. The cover for Fire and Thorn: 3 flames. A rose inside each. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace. Jesus, the Rose of Sharon, is with them. Daniel 3 (specifically verse 25)
So, how did you do? Did you find any new ones? Write a comment. I'd love to hear from you!
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