Fire and Thorn Solution

If you have read Fire and Thorn and have reached the Challenge at the end, you are here looking for either the solution or to check your answers.

The challenge is: 

Throughout this novel, pieces of Bible events and teachings have been woven into the story. There are at least 23 in 19 different chapters.

1.            Ch 1: Saul has slain his thousands, David his ten thousands - I Samuel 18
2.            Ch 4: The good kings of Judah who destroyed idols and brought the kingdom back to God - I, II Kings
3.            Ch 5 Esau gives up his birthright - Genesis 25
4.            Ch 8 Mordecai tells Esther: for such a time as this - Esther 4
5.            Ch 13 Prophet Nathan confronts king David - II Samuel 
6.            Ch 23 The banquet table in heaven - Isaiah and Revelation
7.            Ch 27 Crystal Sea - Revelation 4:6, Revelation 15:2
8.            Ch 27 The wise men visit baby Jesus - Matthew 2:1-12
9.            Ch 28 The Promise land - Numbers 34:1-12
10.         Ch 30 the straight and narrow way - Matthew 7:14
11.         Ch 30 cypress trees – mentioned 13 times in the Bible
12.         Ch 34 fall short - Romans 3:23 
13.         Ch 34 protective shield - Psalms 18:2
14.         Ch 37 the evil one appearing beautiful – Ezekiel 28:12-19
15.         Ch 37 People do what seems right in their own eyes. - Judges 17:6
16.         Ch 47 The marker was no more than a red stained stick at the opening of the path – Jesus is the way. John 14:6
17.         Ch 55 Burning bush, Moses – Exodus 3
18.         Ch 55 Water provided for the thirsty wandering Israelites in the desert - Psalm 107:35 AND Exodus 17, Numbers 20
19.         Ch 55 The ground completely dry, the cloth wet —Gideon Judges 6:36-40
20.         Ch 58 Conversion of Saul, scales fell from his eyes - Acts 9:18
21.         Ch 59 Those who didn’t want to be Jesus’ followers at this time: I will follow later, I must bury my father, I have a wife…etc. - Matthew 8, Luke 9
22.         Ch 60 Hezekiah asks God for more time II Kings 20
23.         Ch 61 Elijah flees for his life in the wilderness and is cared for by an angel. I Kings 19:1-8
24.         Ch 62 Israelites roaming in the wilderness for 40 years, never needing new sandals – Deuteronomy 29:5
25.         Ch 64, celebration on the other side of the Red Sea. Song and dance led by Miriam, Moses’ sister, Aaron, Moses’ brother, and the priests. Exodus 15:1,2

26.         The cover for Fire and Thorn: 3 flames. A rose inside each. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace. Jesus, the Rose of Sharon, is with them. Daniel 3 (specifically verse 25)

So, how did you do? Did you find any new ones? Write a comment. I'd love to hear from you!

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